And she’s potty-trained…we think

So, when I posted a few months ago, we had started to potty-train Miss E. We wanted to do this before the arrival of baby #2 (due in September). And it worked. Much faster than we expected, which is great.

Soon after we started trying, she was going through the day without diapers, and nearly a month ago now, she decided she wasn’t going to wear diapers to bed. She just straight up told us, “No diapers”, and that was it.

There have been a few oops-moments, including two earlier this week, but so far as we can tell, she’s trained. But there are two small problems.

Problem 1: We’re not sure it will hold. As I mentioned there were two “accidents” earlier this week. This has happened before, and it’s generally when we are out and she is occupied with other things. And that could have been the case for one of them. We also wonder whether she was upset, and it was acting out.

We have told Miss E. about the new baby, and she is coming around to the idea, but we’re not sure how she’ll actually handle it.

We started having her nap in a new bed, to get her accustomed to it, so the baby can move in to the nursery.  We also picked up some more cloth diapers for the new baby, and Miss E. said she wanted to wear them. And Jenn had to leave for a couple of days for work. We think all these things may have combined to just be too much for her. But we will see how the next few days go. She was still dry through the night as well, and in the days following, so all is not lost.

Problem 2: We aren’t really sure how it worked to potty-train her so early or so quickly. Cloth diapers? Maybe. We were also sitting her on the toilet as early as when she could sit up, so maybe that was it. Can we re-create it for another kid? Who knows. Right now we’ll just enjoy the reprieve from diapers…for another couple months at least.