Back after a ‘short’ hiatus

So, it’s only been five months since my last blog post. Oops.

What can I say? I was busy. A lot has changed in that time.

Aside from enjoying summer with my little family, and taking a trip out East, we also welcomed the safe arrival of our son in September, and, two days after that, I started a new job.

Both new things are great.

When Mr. J. was born, we were told, by many different people, that we now have the “Million Dollar Family”. Up until that point, I don’t know if I had heard that term, or at the very least, whether I paid attention to it. But whether people tell us or not, we are happy with our little family, and trying to figure out a new routine.

The new job has made that easier in some respects, and more difficult in others.

It’s easier because it’s much closer to home. I am now working in downtown Hamilton, which means I can bike to work, and bike home for lunch. So I am home much sooner, without sitting in traffic, and able to be an active and engaged Dad for much more of the day.

When Miss E. was born, I was commuting into Toronto; 2 hours each way. At times, it felt like I barely saw her. Now I’m home mere minutes after leaving work. We now generally sit down for dinner at a time that, if I was still commuting from Toronto, I would be switching to my second train. And we get to  enjoy plenty of time in the evening together.

Moving jobs also meant I had to move Miss E. to a new day-care, again. Luckily the transition went well. She is there two days a week, and home with “her baby” and Mama for the rest of the week.

A few or two after Mr. J was born, I was sitting on the couch with Jenn, looking at him. Miss E. was in bed, and a just took a second to think about how great things were in that moment.

Of course, parenting is still parenting, with all it’s challenges, but that’s a matter for other posts.

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